Delaware River & Bay Authority Ferries
The Delaware River & Bay Authority operates two ferry systems that connect Delaware to Southern New Jersey. The Cape May-Lewes Ferry crosses the Delaware Bay while Forts Ferry Crossing travels across the Delaware River. Both systems are operated and maintained by the Marine Management staff located at the Cape May, New Jersey administrative offices.

Cape May-Lewes Ferry
Cape May, New Jersey
Lewes, Delaware
Running daily since 1964, the Cape May-Lewes Ferry connects the southernmost tip of New Jersey with the southern shores of Delaware -- two of the most iconic northeastern beach areas in the country. Currently operating with a fleet of three vessels, the system carries vehicles of all sizes ranging from bicycles to 18-wheeler tractor trailers across the bay and nearly one million passengers annually. Reservations are always recommended.

Forts ferry crossing
Delaware City, Delaware
Fort Mott, New Jersey
Since 1997, the DRBA has assisted both the state park systems of NJ and DE in bringing people to the historic river forts on both sides of the Delaware River. Running seasonally, this ferry carries foot passengers from Delaware City to Fort Delaware, DE and Fort Mott, NJ. Passengers can board either at Delaware City or Fort Mott. Ticket purchases are handled by the Delaware State Parks system.

Did You Know?
The Cape May-Lewes Ferry has carried more than 45 million passengers
since it's inception on July 1, 1964.
For More Information:
Heath Gehrke, Director of Ferry Operations
NJ PH: (609) 889-7220
DE PH: (302) 463-2368
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